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How do you give
good intentions
a future?
In order to lead a company into a stable future, it is nowadays necessary to manage the available energy intelligently. Generating one's own electricity via photovoltaic systems and electrolyser or fuel cells is a step in the right direction. But how do you ensure that the energy does not go to waste, but is available at the right time?
What happens
to the energy in
our property?
We offer you the right solution for your efficient energy management: The AMPERIX® Energy Management System (EMS) from Wendeware, which always consists of the perfect interaction of two components, an AMPERIX® Energy Manager and the AMPERIX® Portal myPowerGrid.
The AMPERIX® Energy Manager connects the different generators, consumers, storages and meters of your energy system and transmits the collected data of all devices every second to the AMPERIX® Portal myPowerGrid. Via the AMPERIX® App or any common web browser you can then transparently see the current energy flows. This way, you know at every second what is happening with the energy in your property and can have a variety of reports and evaluations compiled, e.g. for data collection for utility bills.

What can an
intelligent energy
management system
do for us?
That sounds good, but a large orchestra also needs a good conductor: With the AMPERIX® Energy Management System, you now have the possibility to control your generators and consumers such as Photovoltaic systems, CHP units, heat pumps, wallboxes, etc., independent of the manufacturer. The e-cars in the charging park are charged at night up to a certain level with the energy from the batteries at the site and the sun in turn charges the batteries in the morning when the cars are already on the road again. In this way, intelligent charging strategies allow you to use your solar power yourself in an economically optimized way according to demand, instead of feeding it into the power grid with poor compensation. In certain situations, it can also make sense to convert the electricity into thermal energy.

Does smart
software see
what the
future holds?
But what if the sun goes into hiding? The AMPERIX® EMS uses artificial intelligence to determine the behavior in the future based on existing profiles from the past and current weather data. Through this power forecast, it recognizes possible bottlenecks and bypasses them independently. Even in the event of an internet connection failure, the AMPERIX® EMS will continue to ensure that your power is distributed efficiently. This even makes it possible to set up off-grid, self-sufficient island systems, all the way to true island networks, so-called microgrids, which supply themselves with power.
Weather Forecast

Forecast-based Charging

Who monitors our
energy needs in our
daily business?
The intelligent algorithms, developed by the Fraunhofer-Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik (ITWM) and continuously refined over the years, also enable accurate RLM peak shaving, which will reliably protect your operation from rising power prices.

How can we take
the energy
transition into our
own hands?
Take responsibility for a sensible energy transition and lead your company into a viable and successful future. Simply create a demo account for our AMPERIX® Portal myPowerGrid here and be impressed! We look forward to your response and will also be happy to present our energy management system to you in person.